Happy New Year!

I woke up early because we are all sick and I’m coughing like crazy.. So I’m laying in my bed next to hubby & Mikaela thinking about what I truly want for 2014.. So here goes..

1. Less stress: I tend to take on more than I should try to handle as one person.. So this year, less to do for me.. So I can focus on my family & just life and have fun with my hubby & my babies!
2. Me time: I need to focus on myself a little more and making myself feel like a human again.. Haha.. I will get ready EVERY day & just simply take better care of myself more health wise..
3. Be MORE positive: I try my best, but we all have our days. We are only human right?
4. Expand my little businesses. RockinMommi & SweetNOIR are so close to being more than they currently are, I’m going to look into ways to make them larger 🙂
5. Care less about petty things.
6. Try to do more acts of kindness
7. Swear less, I don’t swear a ton so this shouldn’t be too hard.
8. Lose weight.. No specific number because I have health issues that make it harder for me, but I’d like to get back to my pre-Prego weight at least… So hopefully a year will let me do that! Fingers crossed!

Those are my resolutions for the new year, I wanted to keep them realistic so that they were actually doable for me! Good luck everyone in the new year! I hope it’s amazing for you all!
